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The Life Of A Dropout: Day 4

Welcome back. Today I'll tell you about the 2016/17 session in school (since this was the pinnacle of my current situation).
After I started this blog and got shot down by google adsense a couple of times I switched to affiliate marketing, and come August I returned to that dead mans hole of a school.
My roommates this time didn't have any problems (this is my 3rd semester in that school and because I got depressed in my second semester, I was put on probation). One of them had a gaming laptop and it sometimes found its way to me a couple of times (which I would gladly take advantage of and game from night till morning [because it was always late at night] and play Mafia 3). Since this was a new session and a new set of students were coming in, I met someone I knew (from high school). He had a Lenovo Y50 (and unknowing to me it would help me in my fourth semester).
The first semester of that session was a breeze. Met new annoying people and created new experiences and although I got suspended, it was worth it.
When second semester came. Because of my suspension I had to go through a really annoying clearance. Terribly so, the week I'd resumed was the week of our first test week. I couldn't complete the process by then and because of that I couldn't view my room. So my life was pretty much messed up. They put me in "temporary accommodation" and the hall officers kept bothering me, saying "you're not supposed to be here, go and find out your room" blah blah blah... the dudes there were alright though so I didn't have any problem with them.
When the second test week came, they decided all tests would be written online (and they still haven't completed the process after I'd resumed from suspension). Most people didn't write it and some lecturers, although tests were supposed to be written online, gave written tests and even then when I couldn't find my OMR sheet (which we use in tests and exams) I complained and the lecturer ignored me. When I traced the problem it was because, they still hadn't rectified my resumption status. Because of that, I stopped attending classes (because what's the use? I've missed both tests and obviously can't get a reasonable score even if I did write exams. Not to mention that all my previous attedances would be flagged as invalid).
So, remember that high school friend of mine with the Lenovo Y50? Well the friends he was staying with kept wrecked his laptop and who else would he bring it to? Me. I used the laptop a couple of times in the first semester but this time it was for a more... important purpose. So I would fix the laptop and I started using it to create my other blog (Affiliatedman) and when I gave it back two weeks later, it came back to me in shatters. Finally, I decided to create a Dropshipping store (PlainGeeky, visit it sometime). Because of those two acts of preparation I currently have three possible money makers. This blog, Affiliatedman and my online store PlainGeeky.
Some weeks later our school organized an Easter program and since I didn't go, I, and many other students were suspended for a year. Who in blazes name would go back (except for final years, probably).
I was preparing my drop out plan weeks before it came and I pray it pays out fine. (Get it). Till next time.
Next time I'll tell you about my parents reaction to when I got suspended.
Thank you for reading.


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