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Zodiac Love (2017)

Zodiac, twelve animals, twelve realms, call it what you may but today I'll be known as Zodiac Love. I promised you that along the line you would find more and more love based articles and well, here they come.
I don't really believe in horoscopes or the fact that your personality is defined because of the day and or time zone you were born in, but I found this rather intriguing post in Thoughtcatalog and I decided to bring it to you.
So I hope you don't get your heart broken by these rather, hair raising assumptions. I will throw my opinions here and there and (they'll probably be in brackets like these).

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)
As someone who is both confident and courageous (can't argue with that because my baby sis fits the description), oddly you’ll find yourself in a relationship that might have taken a bit of convincing. But you never gave up on the person. It’s going to be someone you’ve had your eye on and have known for a while. In return, for your unwavering loyalty in the pursuit, this is going to be the love that makes you forget you ever cared about anyone before that.

Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)
You’re already in love. You’re going to get back with your ex this year (interesting no). All will be forgiven. You guys are going to make it.

Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)
You’re someone who puts their job ahead of everything in their life. Because you invest a lot of time and emotions into it, you’re going to find yourself in a relationship with someone you work with. As complicated as it’s going to seem at first because initially, you’re going to reject the idea, the person won’t let you go that easy. And through their faith, you guys are going to come out on top both in your relationship and career. (I'm Gemini and I don't see that happening...for now).

Cancer (June 22nds to July 22nd)
As someone who values family as much as you do, you’ll find yourself in a relationship with someone who knows your family very well and is very close with them (I smell trouble). And when someone sets you up, you’ll realize how compatible you are. Falling in love will happen very quickly.

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)
As someone who is a natural born leader (Hm), you’re going to find someone who challenges you in the best way and is the one who wears the pants in the relationship. You guys are going to meet and at first hate each other, then you’ll realize the teasing and testing one another, makes for a really good relationship. But neither of you will want to admit such a thing, so you’re going to stay friends for a while until one of you makes the move. The love between you two, you’ll realize has been there for a while. (this sounds like a plot for a love movie)

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)
As someone who has analyzed every relationship in the past, to a point where it’s made you resent love, one day you’re going to meet someone and there won’t be a single doubt in your mind. They’ll reassure you and you’ll have confidence in them and in love again. It’s going to be in the summer months when you’re just trying to ‘do you,’ you’ll meet someone on a night out with your friends. Even though you didn’t want to go out, you’ll be glad you did.
Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)
You’re the life of every party you walk into. At said party, in your future, you’ll find yourself locking eyes with someone across the room and that’ll be it.
Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)
I’m sure you’ve tried dating apps that have not worked. You date but don’t find yourself interested enough to pursue it anymore. Your emotional intelligence is something very rare in anyone and makes it hard for you to relate to people. But it’s something a lot of people don’t know about you. You’re the most complicated and hardest to the love of all signs but when you do love, it’s full of passion and right. The person you fall in love with next is someone from your past someone who understood you before you even understood yourself.
Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)
As someone who has a passion for traveling and seeing the world, on one of your trips, you’re going to meet someone who is like you in every way. As you fall in love with places you haven’t seen yet, you too will find yourself falling fast for this stranger. And you’ll realize despite how different your backgrounds may be, none of it matters and you’ll overcome whatever obstacles are in your way.
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)
You’re going to end up dating your best friend and you’ll wish you did it sooner.

Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)
While your independence is something to be admired by many, you’re going to meet someone who is going to make you not want to be single anymore. With your lifestyle and fast pace life, you’ll meet them through work or your hobbies. This person will be on the same page as you are with goals, career, and drive. You’ll motivate each other in achieving things and you’ll be one of those power couples.
Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)
As someone who is highly emotional and very intact with their feelings, your love story will be one for the books. It’s going to be with someone you see often but looked right through. Then once it happens, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. It’ll be a relationship people envy but you’re going to want to keep it to yourself.

Like I said, I'm not a believer of horoscopes. And the fact that you read this doesn't mean you should jump to conclusions and it also doesn't necessarily mean your life will go according to what they say. So take your time or else you'll find yourself looking for a horoscope to tell you what you should do next in your relationship

Inspired from ThoughtCatalogue


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