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Welcome back. Thank you for reading my constant ramblings till date (even if this is your first time on my blog). But do read other posts.
Today I want to talk about Bonds. What bonds are and which one in particular I am talking about. Well if you have read this blog for long, you would know that I'm talking about the bonds between people.
Well, you might have heard: "United we stand, divided we fall" and what not and that is exactly what I'll be tackling today, so hang in there. But first I want to try to categorize bonds or at least summarize (which is impossible).
Bonds forged over time. The most common among all of us. The major reason why your mother is your mother (yes, it's true). I would also say, in my personal experience that it is the most frail (especially if you don't know anything about that person even after spending years together).
"You've know you parents all you life but they know you for only a short" so you should know as much as you can about you parents and or children to avoid as much friction as possible. I currently face serious friction between everyone in my family because our bond is solely the time we spent together.
Bonds with an external connection. What I mean by this, is, a bond you have with someone because something connects you two. It's usually children, but, it can be anything else from not being able to survive alone, you bear one sided love and what not. I am personally not a fan of this, but if someone were to have a bond with me solely because they have something they want from me it would still be better than not knowing why you have a bond with me.
Bond between relatives. If you ask me this is the combo of the two previously mentioned types of bonds (bonds with an external connection and bonds with an external connection). Some people only converse with one another on the sole reason that they are related. This bond, to me, is the most frail because relatives tend to neglect the need to understand one another and instead develop a kind of stereotype towards you (i.e. They have a glorious and or not so glorious image of you in their head)
Bond that doesn't need words. Ever watch Anime? You know those characters that somehow know what to do without ever actually opening their mouths and saying anything? That is a concrete bond. This is prominent in people that confide in each other and warriors (regardless of whether you fought a war or not).
The beauty of this bond is that in may or may not include all of the bond types I previously mentioned.
If you think you have a bond just because you are together or if you believe in "united we stand divided we fall" then you should know, being together with people you have no real bond with, will make you nothing but Styrofoam. (that white...thing used in packaging).
Now that I'm done with my ramblings... what type of bond would you want and which is, in your opinion, the best and or most ideal bond type for any good relationship?
Thank you for reading.


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