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Don't Be Scared To Confess Your Love

Have you heard?
Heard what?
There's a new love post
Obviously, I just said so didn't I.
Alrighty then.
Make sure you read it…
That's the type of conversation you should be having with your friends right now, while reading this post. So today I want to bother you with that female, that male you like and just don't or can't or don't want to approach (for whatever bloody reason).
And as usual, I'll be using myself as a point of reverence. Well, it doesn’t have to do with me directly but a friend of mine. And I tried giving him, a gush (if you will) , but nothing. So you my friend I will give a push.
My friend is D and the girl is P. (for reference. Though I probably won't stress too much on it... probably).
In high school I learnt of my good friends’ crush and time being everyone would be like "check out my babe" or "give me that girls number", but he wasn't open to it. Later other dudes keep teasing him with this girl P. And I was like "give me her number". I started talking with her (on Whatsapp) things were going really really well (AS FRIENDS). So, since I established a good relationship, I tried to see if I could bring the two together. The girl seemed ready like she was waiting on standby but my friend keep saying things like
"She won’t notice me. She’s way out of my league. I don’t stand a chance. There may be someone better. You have a better chance than me."
And it leaves me thinking,
"She’s the perfect girl, and you want her, but you’ve made yourself believe there’s just NO way she would give someone like you a fair shot at being the guy who could love her the way she deserves."
And SHE likes him. She bloody likes him.
I finally got her to be open with him and him with her, BUT, I don't know what happened but the next time I brought the D up in our discussions. I was turned into cheese. She shot me me down from my high plane and warned me never to speak to and or encourage her on D. That was after she left ne on read for almost a year. Thankfully, I tried starting up a conversation this year and she happily replied, but I am in no condition to talk her into asking D out.
So I went after D and he keeps
Believing that he has no chance with a girl even before trying and it decreases the possibility of him making any move, thereby increasing the chances that she won’t say yes to him. This therefore, turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy, and he ends up shattering all my efforts. He keeps putting P on the, pedestal of "love I can never have".
People aren't perfect (except me) and although people love emitting such aura you should best stop thinking that you don’t deserve to be with her. But nooooo. I just keep going in circles and then he shoots her at me with "you have a better chance", sometimes even calling me, her husband. Believe it or not, although she is, to-die-for gorgeous, I wouldn't hit on her. Simple because she is a Nun level female (you know; you can't have a conversation with her without one or two Bible verses). And that can come across as a huge turn off. I might not even try to kiss her, actually I might not even try to kiss anyone (except, maybe a particular Blasian female, which, my friends, is literally close to impossible).
So, if you are afraid, know that just like drop shipping "you don't have anything to loose" and in war and or battle, you don not fear someone who has nothing to gain, instead fear someone who has nothing to lose. (so in a very strange way you are dangerous).
And you'd better act fast before that girl starts getting likes. *smirk*
And as always
Thank you for reading. *bowing*

Inspired from ThoughtCatalogue


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