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Welcome back. Thank you for reading my constant ramblings till date (even if this is your first time on my blog). But do read other posts. Today I want to talk about Bonds. What bonds are and which one in particular I am talking about. Well if you have read this blog for long, you would know that I'm talking about the bonds between people. Well, you might have heard: "United we stand, divided we fall" and what not and that is exactly what I'll be tackling today, so hang in there. But first I want to try to categorize bonds or at least summarize (which is impossible). Bonds forged over time. The most common among all of us. The major reason why your mother is your mother (yes, it's true). I would also say, in my personal experience that it is the most frail (especially if you don't know anything about that person even after spending years together). "You've know you parents all you life but they know you for only a short" so you should know as

The Life Of A Dropout: Day 1

History Being a dropout. Depending on your atmosphere and the type of people you have around you can be the worst thing. So what is the cause of people "dropping out" of school and why do people see it as such an intense taboo? Well for me. I'm from a third world country (Nigeria) and to me, trying to better your "future" by school ALONE is ridiculous and I will tell you why in a minute. Most people dropout for whatever reason and it might be similar to my reasons but do not be mistaken. I do intend to resume school but at a later date. First I want to tell you about my atmosphere. In Nigeria (and every other society) most people are absorbed in the general stereotypes. In Nigeria, so far as you have a certificate, it doesn't matter if your jobless and broke. People go to school without knowing why they go to school and at the end are unworthy of their certificate. Plus they can't even solve a simple problem. People are too ignorant to bring about an

The Life Of A Dropout: Day 3

Ah, the future. One of mans greatest desires. To see and or peer into the future (probably to see what is in store for them or what nonsense they have brought upon us). Today I will be telling about one of the tremendously annoying sentiments very common in my "people", in your "people" and ultimately in "society". And that my friends is the sentiment that "Your future is secured if you've gone to school. Now I do understand that not every atmosphere has the same view about "dropping out". But where I come from, it's a big deal. People go to school to satisfy society and in the end society doesn't satisfy them. The mere thought of studying continuously for years (even with a good result) only for you to graduate and reach another hurdle. Job seeking. Honestly speaking, if I didn't know of so many people that made it with blogging and or E-commerce, I probably also wouldn't try. And that is exactly the situation. Everyon