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Showing posts from July, 2017


Welcome back. Thank you for reading my constant ramblings till date (even if this is your first time on my blog). But do read other posts. Today I want to talk about Bonds. What bonds are and which one in particular I am talking about. Well if you have read this blog for long, you would know that I'm talking about the bonds between people. Well, you might have heard: "United we stand, divided we fall" and what not and that is exactly what I'll be tackling today, so hang in there. But first I want to try to categorize bonds or at least summarize (which is impossible). Bonds forged over time. The most common among all of us. The major reason why your mother is your mother (yes, it's true). I would also say, in my personal experience that it is the most frail (especially if you don't know anything about that person even after spending years together). "You've know you parents all you life but they know you for only a short" so you should know as...

Losing Your Virginity

Domo minasan, I'm in the Japanese mood again and I welcome to the blog. If you are new here *smirk*, welcome. Today I will be rambling (as usual) on a topic that has nothing to do with me (also as usual) and that my friends you saw as the title of this post. Your Virginity or Virtue or whatever else you want to call it. It’s creepy sometimes when you think about it, the fact most people (females) don't value it despite their constant complaints. You are a Virgin, well, when your hymen is still there (and what actually makes the first time "hurt" is the breaking of the hymen). The creepy thing is the feel when you break one (not that I have any experience in that section though, *smirk*). I'm not saying not to loose you Virginity (on the contrary), please do. But I want to tell you some things you should probably think about before you do that and believe me you probably haven't heard and or been told these (what I want to say now) before. *smirk*. Before an...

The Life Of A Dropout: Day 8

People, people. Remember how I told you bad always comes after good. Well think of this as my gloating and "I wish I was wrong" speech. Today my Father said that if I continued to disobey him, he would take away my phone and Tablet because they were "his property" (the phone yes but the tablet no). So the question is: What am I going to do (and) Does this affect my plans Well you can definitely bet that I'm not going down without a fight (no matter the scale) and thank God my theme for this year was "WAR" (with a couple of sword, skull and shield emoji's). I mean, how does he want me to manage my store and blogs (including this one)? How does he want me to remain in my sense whipe not doing absolutely anything? How does he, want me to continue learning Japanese or continue communicating with my Japanese friends (of which I have none)? I don't know and he doesn't care (because, as usual, if he doesn't see you with a book then no matte...

The Life Of A Dropout: Day 7

Today was extremely, somewhat, probably good. I met a brother of mine, which we will be addressing today as "A". I chat with him frequently and I have asked him his view on what has been happening in my life and thankfully he had somewhat the same answer I thought he would give (I can't really say, I'm not in his head). He said "Me... I don't care whether you're schooling or selling fish or maybe stripping.... everybody's got his own life to live...."  and then he sent a really long message which, not that I wouldn't want to write, but, it's a pain. Oh what the heck. I can at least summarize it. He said he didn't care whether you gave him the "I don't care" attitude (which he was guilty of giving everyone) or what people thought about him neither does he have time to worry about someone else's problems when he's got his own life (and problems). That's basically the summary. I was vaguely happy to hear this...