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The Life Of A Dropout: Day 7

Today was extremely, somewhat, probably good. I met a brother of mine, which we will be addressing today as "A". I chat with him frequently and I have asked him his view on what has been happening in my life and thankfully he had somewhat the same answer I thought he would give (I can't really say, I'm not in his head). He said
"Me... I don't care whether you're schooling or selling fish or maybe stripping.... everybody's got his own life to live...."
 and then he sent a really long message which, not that I wouldn't want to write, but, it's a pain. Oh what the heck. I can at least summarize it. He said he didn't care whether you gave him the "I don't care" attitude (which he was guilty of giving everyone) or what people thought about him neither does he have time to worry about someone else's problems when he's got his own life (and problems). That's basically the summary.
I was vaguely happy to hear this because at least I some what have one ally. I know two others that would benefit me greatly but I can't go on to them with out something at hand. It's too early for them to come into play.
We met and had a really long conversation (where I did most of the talking) and some what caught up on our activities. What we talked about is not confidential but I've already said enough.
We also discussed me letting go of my first love. Which was the first and last time in my entire life that I gave up on something (and I will talk extensively on that in a future post).
I made sure I filled his ears with most of my complains and worries and as usual he listened, so, I came back a lot happier and much much more relieved. But one problem was my hard drive suddenly won't free up space, even if I deleted something and my connector had disappeared and my suspect is my old man. Speaking of my old man, you'll never believe what happened today. (I will tell you about it in another post, but to summarize, twas a threat). *smirk*
There were a lot of other things I wanted to talk to him about (like my mothers death threats and warnings), but they can wait another day. For now I just took a few series from him that I would like to watch and use as an escape route for when I have nothing doing (otherwise I start hunting females on Instagram, hitting them up in the DM). Basically, for me, today was so interesting and relieving (although you on the other hand, might gritting your teeth together after reading this somewhat boring post).
One thing you can count on is; after good comes bad and believe me when I tell you "The next day was terrible". But I hope you do know that I don't write as it happens, (not all my days are this interesting).
I'll see you next time and until then
Thank you for reading (my constant self ramblings).


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