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The Life Of A Dropout: Day 1

Being a dropout. Depending on your atmosphere and the type of people you have around you can be the worst thing. So what is the cause of people "dropping out" of school and why do people see it as such an intense taboo?
Well for me. I'm from a third world country (Nigeria) and to me, trying to better your "future" by school ALONE is ridiculous and I will tell you why in a minute. Most people dropout for whatever reason and it might be similar to my reasons but do not be mistaken. I do intend to resume school but at a later date.
First I want to tell you about my atmosphere. In Nigeria (and every other society) most people are absorbed in the general stereotypes.
In Nigeria, so far as you have a certificate, it doesn't matter if your jobless and broke. People go to school without knowing why they go to school and at the end are unworthy of their certificate. Plus they can't even solve a simple problem. People are too ignorant to bring about any reap and or good change and or development in their country. Imagine spending twenty (20) years to get a total of seven (7) certificates and still have no job and at the end they get miserable complain and ultimately just keep going to school to pass the time and the shut the mouths of the rich dudes that may have lower qualifications that them. So simply put, looking at everyone older than me who has the measly piece of paper they call a certificate being jobless, miserable and poor (not to mention grumpy and or angry), how can I blindly follow the path they want? The same path they followed and ended up miserable and I've already said that so I hope I've somewhat made my point. Again, imagine someone graduated from the University as a "graduate" and studied, let's say, Mechanical Engineering and can't even work on a small generator. Again, imagine a "graduate" that studied, let's say, Computer Engineering and doesn't know NVIDIA. That's what I'm talking about. No let me tell you a little about my story.
So, in 2015 I gained admission into this terrible University. I was to start in August 2015 studying Management Information System (M.I.S) and I obviously needed a laptop. At the time I wanted a Dell inspiron 17 5000 series i5755 (which is no longer available) and it was a 17inch AMD A10, with 12GB RAM, Radeon R7 graphics AND 2TB memory for $875-1800 (which was cheap in my country at the time). And it just so happened that his secretary at the time was using a Dell inspiron 15 from the same 5000 series so he would help me persuade my dad. But guess what he told me? "That laptop isn't for a student. Students need small laptops. Even the 15inch is too big". He later argued with my mom over her laptop (HP 655) and she decided to hand it to me till next semester (where they would buy me a new one). Boy were they mistaken.
2016 came and like I said "terrible school", I couldn't stay there anymore. I told my dad thinking he would understand and him being a psychiatrist declared me mad, well mad. Gave me some stupid drugs that only made me brim with negative emotions... like a vampire only a drunk one (if that's even possible). So what happened to his promise about the new laptop... well his biggest mistake was when I found out about NVIDIA and why people thought Intel was better than intel. So my preference changed because the Dell was no longer available and guess my alternative, an Aorus X7 pro V5 (yes, i7-6820HK, NVIDIA 970 in SLI... any who you can head over to their website for that. But I don't think they make it anymore). And by 2016 we went into recession and our currencies value reduced almost by half and the laptop was beyond reach. Bitter hearted I created this blog to inspire people but 'Weinspire' was already taken. Reviewing qualifications for Adsense, I obviously got scared off and I left it dormant. Until now, because adsense acknowledges this blog as my default so unless I can get this blog to meet adsense criteria, I cannot do anything.
I currently run an online store PlainGeeky. Check that out when you have some time on your hands and money in your pocket. It features Anime, Cool, Cosplay and Gaming Merchandise so make sure you buy something you like and believe is worth it.
Check out my other blog Affiliatedman for advice on Shopify.
In day two I'll tell you about my experience in school and some cool stuff.
If you don't label yourself people and or society, will do the labeling for you. I was labeled a dropout and as you can see I somewhat know what I am doing and if I succeed, I plan on rubbing it in their faces.


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