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The Life Of A Dropout: Day 3

Ah, the future. One of mans greatest desires. To see and or peer into the future (probably to see what is in store for them or what nonsense they have brought upon us).
Today I will be telling about one of the tremendously annoying sentiments very common in my "people", in your "people" and ultimately in "society". And that my friends is the sentiment that "Your future is secured if you've gone to school.
Now I do understand that not every atmosphere has the same view about "dropping out". But where I come from, it's a big deal. People go to school to satisfy society and in the end society doesn't satisfy them. The mere thought of studying continuously for years (even with a good result) only for you to graduate and reach another hurdle. Job seeking. Honestly speaking, if I didn't know of so many people that made it with blogging and or E-commerce, I probably also wouldn't try. And that is exactly the situation. Everyone gets up and says "I want to go to school", some bribe their way to success, some don't have a real reason for going to school. The worst part is every one of them fails and we the next generation are FORCED to do the same things they did or we would be seen an drop outs and turned into outcasts.
The worst part is when they tell you to think, "a few years from now, where do you see yourself". Well here's my answer; a few years ago, where did YOU see yourself and Are you there right now?". The future is as unpredictable as a cat. And just like it is done in every other circumstance, you use the past to try and guess-work What will and or might happen in the future. So basically, fifty people dropped out and all 50 of them failed. So you dropping out is automatically you failing regardless of if you have a million dollars in your account (which they obviously do not have), or you actually DOING something like drop shipping, affiliate marketing or even blogging (like I'm doing right now).
Going to school is good, no doubt. But basing school as the pinnacle of your future and not doing anything else on the side is stupid. People are giving it their all yet you expect to be richer just because you have a certificate. If indeed you are a dropout and reading this, regardless of why you are a dropout, get doing something or else you'll just end up a chewing toy for all those people waiting for the opportunity to bite. You can ask me for help if necessary, because I know a ton *smirk*.
No one sees the future. So following something people believe in and are unsuccessful and labeling me a "dropout" because I want to and or would rather pursue what I believe will make me successful because SOCIETY, (which is people) says so, is downright unfair. I live and die for myself. I deserve to be ruled by my own sentiments and beliefs and that goes for you too.
A balance needs to be maintained on earth.
Thank you for reading.


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